• Dapps:16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны:78
  • Активные пользователи:66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней:303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней:879,24 млн $

Artemis Market

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16 минут назад

Что такое Artemis Market?

Artemis Market will focus on mobile devices from day one. In Web2.0, one of the greatest innovations that led to the boom in the adoption of the Internet was the integration with mobile devices, which allowed users to spend a huge amount of time and engage them. With this in mind, Artemis is designed as a native mobile platform where users can enjoy and interact with their NFTs 24/7 and on the go, as well as share and discuss them with friends anytime, anywhere.


Artemis Market - dapp.expert 

About Artemis Market

Buying and selling are core features of any NFT marketplace and Artemis is no exception. In addition to offering a vibrant and safe marketplace for creators and users, the developers believe that a social element is essential for a complete user experience.

Using key insights from Web2.0 apps, Artemis is designed to have social features, similar to super apps like PinDuoDuo, Xiaohongshu or Futu, harmoniously intertwining useful and community features.Artemis Market

Artemis Market is very excited about the future of NFTs. The project team are big fans of the innovative creative projects that have created their own communities and are committed to supporting these existing as well as promising NFT projects so that they continue to grow and prosper.

Ambitions with Artemis also include expanding the NFT industry into the real world. Artemis believes that NFT technology can be adapted to real-world use cases, especially in ticketing, luxury goods and specialty experiences. NFT is part of everyday life and contributes to building a more resilient and trusted user base for the industry.

Work features:

1 Firstly, connect your SOL wallet to Artemis.
2 Place a bid on the NFT, listed for the Timed Auction.
3 The rate must be at least 0.50 SOL above the current rate.

You will automatically get your SOL stake back to your wallet if your bet is outbid. After you have won the auction, you need to go to the "Offers" tab and select the NFT in which you won the auction and receive the NFT by clicking the "Redeem" button.

More about defi app

Chainlink will support Artemis in building cross-chain capabilities as the team continues to develop next-generation NFT capabilities for users. Artemis was launched in January 2022 with a desktop and mobile web version. Also, a mobile application will be released. Join the journey to create the ultimate NFT experience.

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