• Dapps:16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны:78
  • Активные пользователи:66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней:303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней:879,24 млн $


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13 минут назад

Что такое Aparat?

Aparat - a blockchain website that has been provided to many Iranian users. The purpose of creating this site is to satisfy the needs of Iranian users for video sharing.


  1. Aparat terms of use
  2. Official channel

Aparat dapp

Aparat terms of use

In Aparat, you can not only share your videos with others, but you can also create a video channel so that other users know about your videos. There is no doubt that the success of this site will be possible with the help of respected Iranian users around the world and the blockchain. Some of the highlights are:

Rules The Aparat website obeys to the applicable laws of the country, so the company asks users to comply with the rules. Otherwise, the respective duties will be assigned directly to them.
Censorship Particular importance is the observance of Islamic moral and national values in public videos. If you do not pay attention to it, the corresponding videos will be deleted.
Delete It is forbidden to exchange videos that contradict the current laws and regulations of the country and are an example of insulting the system, religious, national and military figures. They will be deleted.

After choosing a channel name, if the name refers to specific brands and trademarks or registered websites, you need to find out from specific legal entities whether their name can be used. Only then register the channel.

Since the project does not have White paper, you can find all necessary information in the telegram channel of the company. This is where you will learn about promotions and upcoming updates.Aparat

In the next update, developers want to improve the design and add the number of tokens to make money. So far, the platform pays everything in TRX.

Official channel

There are a lot of different ways to make money on the platform. One of them is the official channel in Aparat. There are two channel options:

  • approved channel on the platform. As the largest and most popular video sharing site in Iran, it provides this sharing opportunity to all companies and organizations, as well as to all real users;
  • official channel. The name "Official Channel" for companies and organizations with a wide reputation and a wide range of activities, very large and well-known brands and prominent political, sports and cultural figures (national and military officials, actors, singers).

In order to create such a channel, you need to upload a channel profile image and fill out the necessary information about the activities of a person or group of people. Your channel should contain 5 related videos. After you fill out the legal application form.

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