• Dapps:16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны:78
  • Активные пользователи:66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней:303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней:879,24 млн $


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Баланс контракта
Общая стоимость активов в смарт-контрактах децентрализованного приложения
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Рынок криптовалют лишился $900 млн: Биткоин ниже $100,000Криптовалютный рынок за сутки потерял $900 млн, Биткоин упал ниже $100,000 после почти рекордных значений.
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17 минут назад

Цены Chainlink: Анализ Трендов и Уровней ПоддержкиОбзор текущей ситуации на рынке Chainlink, включая анализ цен и уровней поддержки.
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19 минут назад

XRP: падение цены и рост объемов торгов формируют новые ожиданияУзнайте, как падение цены XRP и резкий рост объемов торгов влияют на будущее криптовалюты.
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19 минут назад

Что такое Splinterlands?

Splinterlands makes it easy to earn daily. Players can receive rewards in tournaments, ranked games and quests. No matter what your skill level or the size of your collection, there is always an opportunity to earn.


Splinterlands - dapp.expert

Description of the Splinterlands project

Play, trade and earn anywhere, anytime. Splinterlands is available on both desktop and mobile devices. There are four types of rarity: common, rare, epic and legendary. Each one has different levels and circulation caps. Unique abilities allow players to turn the tide of battle in unexpected and exciting ways. An ever-growing library of cards gives players a wide variety of combinations.

Blockchain technology secures the future of gaming by allowing players to trade, sell and rent their card assets.Splinterlands

The cards in your collection are compatible with third party marketplaces such as Open Sea, PeakMonsters, Monster Market and more.

Other features:

1 Splinterlands makes it easy to work with cryptocurrencies. Basically, the Hive cryptocurrency wallet is automatically generated for you when you register on this site.
2 For power users of cryptocurrencies, you will be happy to know that Splinterlands is cross-compatible with other blockchains such as Ethereum, Tron and WAX.

Buy in-game credits with various cryptocurrencies, earn crypto and other digital assets, and even earn HIVE crypto tokens by simply participating in the SplinterTalk social media community. Building your portfolio has never been so fun.

More about defi app on WAX

Your guild must spend 10K DEC to purchase a Layer 1 Arena. This will allow your guild to start participating in brawls where you can earn crowns. To earn merit, your guild must also spend 10K DEC to purchase a Layer 1 shop. This allows your guild members to earn merit for each fight. To get gladiators, your guild must upgrade the Shop to Layer 2 (which requires 20K DEC and 40 crowns if you already have a Layer 1 shop). This opens the cases in the Guild Shop. You can go to the "Shop" section and the "Guild" tab to spend your merit to buy Gladius Cases.

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