• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны: 78
  • Активные пользователи: 66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней: 879,24 млн $
LOAD Network

LOAD Network

Всего пользователей
5,5 трлн $
0 $
Баланс контракта
Официальные ссылки
Социальные сети


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23 minutes ago

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24 minutes ago

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24 minutes ago

Что такое LOAD Network?

LOAD is an ethereum-based De-Fi project launched in September 2020 by a global team of dedicated crypto enthusiasts dedicated to innovations in game theory and NFT development.

The roadmap lays out three distinct phases. Phase I allows investors to mint and distribute the token, encouraging holders to lock the token for a proportional share of the daily dividend emissions.

Phase I was necessary to give LOAD value, increase awareness and adoption.

The focus is on pushing adoption to the masses in a fair distribution.

The real innovation comes in Phase II. LOAD is the first De-Fi platform in providing forecast sensitive interest. Depending on their daily forecast fo the LOAD price lockers will always earn more interest if they are right and less if they are wrong. They will never earn zero.

Lockers or holders of LOAD who have locked their tokens in the smart contract have two choices in the direction that LOAD will go. Lockers who are correct will earn a greater share of the interest than someone who forecasts incorrect.

We are planning multiple project to continue to feed crypto dividends to LOAD lockers other than the inflation after (and potentially along) the launch of Phase II, here is a list of projects we are working on (see next pages for more details): — A crypto forecasting platform(LOADCC). — A yield platform (LOADFI) with it’s own token (given free to LOAD lockers)

- A centralized and a decentralized exchange (LOADEX) both connected to the forecasting platform. — A stock, poll and sport forecasting platform (LOADECO,SPORT&POLLS).

The LOAD network already creates and distributes its own rare NFTs on the OpeaSea.io marketplace where 90% of the proceeds are used to buyback LOAD tokens on the Uniswap exchange.

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