! ! ! - RickAndMorty Finance - ! ! !
The purpose of the game is to collect Mortys in order to grow your Rick Family and farm even more Mortys, or choose to trade the Mortys in exchange for BNB (AMM)
Farming Tiers:
-Doofus Rick: in this tier, each Rick only farms 1 Morty/day. (Eg; 100 Doofus Ricks will farm 100 Mortys/day)
-Rick C-137, the Rickest Rick of them all: in this tier, each Rick farms 10 Mortys per day. (Eg; 10 Original Ricks will farm 100 Mortys/day)
-Pickle Riiiiiicccccckkkkkkk: this is the best tier in the game, each Pickle Rick farm 25 Mortys per day. (Eg;4 Pickle Ricks will farm you 100 Mortys/day)
-Dev fee 2%(will be used to buyback)
-Community owned, dev has renounced ownership.
-Rug proof AMM(Automated Market Maker) smart contract, people interact with the smart contract and that only.
The Mortys/BNB pair sell rate is based on the ammount of BNB in the contract, the number of Mortys in existence, and the volume of each transaction.