SashimiSwap ( is a Uniswap-inspired investment platform dedicated to ‘multiplying’ the passive income of the liquidity providers. Whereas most other platforms primarily rely on transaction fees, SashimiSwap in addition to transaction fees, multiplies one’s investment returns by optimally and automatically investing a part of the idle liquidity to the most profitable platform(s), dynamically adjusted every day. An analogy would be a money changer, depositing his/her excess idle currencies into the best bank(s), for most profits.
SASHIMI is the Token on the SashimiSwap platform, which is distributed 100% through liquidity mining, without any pre-sale, pre-mining, and team shares. Holders of SASHIMI Token are able to participate in the governance and receive SashimiSwap dividends through staking. Sashimi hodlers’ revenue sources now include transaction fees, liquidity investment, and service fees from Vaults with ongoing development and provision for additional revenue avenues.