TEZEX is a Tezos liquidity exchange expanding liquidity flow via inter-chain and intra-chain token trading. TEZEX Interchain (formerly called TEZEX Bridge) enables interchain atomic swaps between Tezos and Ethereum. TEZEX is now expanding to include a liquidity aggregator to couple with its current dashboard for Tezos protocol's SIRIUS DEX (formerly called Liquidity Baking). TEZEX Interchain will also expand to include interchain atomic swaps between Tezos and Bitcoin.
TEZEX is an open-soruce platform from StableTech (Tezos Stable Technologies, Ltd) consortium — the makers of TezFin (Tezos.finance) and StableTez (a suite reserve-backed stablecoins including USDtz, as well as ETHtz, and BTCtz).