TRON Life Bank runs automatically on the blockchain and its smart contract is uploaded to the TRON blockchain. No one is able to edit or delete the smart contract, nor influence its autonomous operation. The dividends are also automatically paid through the smart contract. Get 8% per day! TRON Life Bank smart contract set 8 tiers of referral rewards, which are 5%, 3%, 2% and 1% respectively. Moreover, the invitee can also get 0.5% of his/her own investment as a reward.
Техас претендует на лидерство в создании резервов биткоинов на уровне штатаСенатор Чарльз Швертнер представил законопроект о создании стратегического резерва биткоинов в Техасе, что может сделать его первым в США.
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