• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны: 78
  • Активные пользователи: 66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней: 879,24 млн $


Всего пользователей
10,1 млрд $
0 $
Баланс контракта
249 $
Официальные ссылки
Социальные сети


Simon’s Cat взлетел в цене на 40% после запуска на BinanceКриптовалюта Simon’s Cat выросла на 40% после запуска контракта на Binance, открывая новые перспективы.

a few seconds ago

Stripe приобрела Bridge: крупнейшее приобретение в криптоиндустрииStripe приобрела платформу стейблкоинов Bridge за 1,1 млрд долларов, что делает её крупнейшим приобретением в криптоиндустрии.

a few seconds ago

Стейблкоины могут достичь $1 трлн к 2026 году: прогнозы и перспективыСтейблкоины могут превысить $1 трлн к 2026 году, считают эксперты. Важность их роли в финансовых транзакциях растет.

a minute ago

Что такое WhaleEx?

WhaleEx is the largest decentralized exchange in the world. We are determined to be the exchange with the highest liquidity. Providing secure asset custody, zero trading fee and instant withdrawal, WhaleEx offers user-friendly experience. WhaleEx is the best place to trade crypto. Deployed on EOS mainnet, WhaleEx is world's first exchange to implement multisig smart contract for decentralized asset custody. Any changes made to the smart contract and assets require approvals from WhaleEx, SlowMist and EOS block producers. This means that WhaleEx client assets will be safe even if our private keys are compromised, and that WhaleEx can never misbehave. Even if WhaleEx is physically obliterated, such as an alien invasion where our staff and servers are wiped out, WhaleEx clients can still execute command on EOS mainnet to receive all their assets in 10 days. WhaleEx is a true decentralized exchange. WhaleEx has developed proprietary cross-chain technology to support a wide range of assets including BTC and ETH. Fiat on/off ramp is also available. WhaleEx satisfies all trading needs of all users. WhaleEx consistently inspires investors. Since inception we have organized EOS World Tour, disseminated WhaleEx News Flash, and aired WhaleEx Live Broadcast. We will soon launch WhaleExpedia to provide education materials. 2019 is the breakout year of decentralized exchange. While decentralized exchanges only represent 0.01% of the exchange market, we expect the market share to exceed 90% in three years. Let’s work together to make decentralized exchanges mainstream. WAL is the only token issued by WhaleEx. Clients can stake WAL to get free trading quota of equivalent value, effectively no trading fee. Free trading quota will reset every day. Unstaking takes only 3 days. Further use cases include staking 10,000 WAL to double treasure chest reward, staking 500,000 WAL to get 40% first-level invitee trading reward (normally 20%). WAL will have even more exchange-related use cases in the future.

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© 2020. DappExpert. Все права защищены.

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