• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны: 78
  • Активные пользователи: 66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней: 879,24 млн $

Algorand leads the European market with MiCAR stablecoins


2 hours ago

Following the European Union's new regulatory framework, Algorand is taking a leadership role in the European crypto market by launching two MiCAR-compliant stablecoins: $EURD and $USDCa.

Launch of MiCAR-compliant stablecoins

Algorand announced the launch of $EURD and $USDCa, fully conforming to MiCAR regulations. $USDCa, issued by Circle, has raised more than $114 million in circulation. $EURD, issued by the Dutch company Quantoz, offers a fully regulated digital version of the Euro with zero transfer fees.

Technical advantages of Algorand and USDC support

Algorand's blockchain offers fast transaction finality and low fees. $USDCa, integrated into the Algorand blockchain, is supported by exchanges like Coinbase and Binance, increasing its liquidity and accessibility for European users.

MiCAR regulation and its market impact

MiCAR includes strict requirements for stablecoin issuance, leading to the exit of non-compliant stablecoins from the European market and their delisting from major exchanges.

The launch of MiCAR-compliant stablecoins highlights Algorand's growing presence in the European crypto market, creating more secure and transparent conditions for digital assets.



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