• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны: 78
  • Активные пользователи: 66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней: 879,24 млн $

Bitcoin: Pivot to Short-Term Profits and U.S. Elections Impact


2 hours ago

Bitcoin's market sentiment has experienced a significant shift. Instead of anticipating prolonged bullish trends, investors are focusing on short-term profits, which may impact cryptocurrency prices.

Changing Dynamics in Bitcoin Holding

Analysis reveals a $6 billion drop in the realized cap of long-term holders (LTH), indicating profit-taking. Concurrently, short-term holders (STH) have seen a surge of the same amount, suggesting short-term profit focus. Bitcoin's recent price action, characterized by short-term swings, aligns with this analysis.

Short Term Focus and the U.S. Election

The shift towards short-term profits is primarily driven by prevailing market sentiment linked to significant events like the U.S. elections. Uncertainty tends to promote a short-term focus, and the election outcomes could trigger substantial responses, potentially moving Bitcoin out of its current range.

Potential Market Consequences

As traders anticipate elections and adopt short-term focuses, they must be cautious of liquidations. The emphasis on short-term gains could encourage more leverage, increasing the risk of liquidation events.

With Bitcoin traders shifting to short-term strategies ahead of U.S. elections, they must consider the risks associated with such approaches, including the potential impact on liquidations and price fluctuations.



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