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How Congressman John Curtis and Senator Mike Lee See the Future of Digital Assets


2 hours ago

Congressman John Curtis and Senator Mike Lee discussed the future of digital assets and regulatory policy during the Permissionless III conference.

John Curtis's Address

When asked about the possibility of bipartisan cooperation on repealing SAB-121, Congressman Curtis responded that it is possible but very fragile. He emphasized the importance of collaboration to prevent the issue from becoming partisan.

I think it's really important for all of us to realize, if it becomes a partisan issue, we'll have a very, very difficult time.

Senator Mike Lee's Perspective

Senator Mike Lee asserts that the creation of a central bank digital currency by the Federal Reserve, overregulation, and conflicting state laws could negatively impact the crypto industry. Lee emphasizes that digital assets require a novel regulatory approach. He also believes that cryptocurrency should be used as a medium of exchange and should not be subject to capital gains tax.

Closing Remarks

The congressman and senator called for collaboration and education in the crypto space to create a sustainable future for the industry. They argue that overregulation must be avoided to support innovation.

John Curtis and Mike Lee expressed hope for balanced digital asset policies, suggesting that open dialogue and education can help avoid overregulation.



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