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  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
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Insights into the SAFLE Identity Wallet Project Revamp

от A1

3 months ago

The SAFLE identity wallet project has recently undergone significant changes under the guidance of Apoorv Shankar and blockchain expert Shikha Mehra. The project is now valued at $77 million and is preparing to introduce new AI and cross-chain features. Furthermore, SAFLE is set to list $SAFLE on top exchanges by July 2024. The recent management transition from Abhimanyu Kashyap to the current leadership has led to a restructured cap table and a promising future for SAFLE.

SAFLE's Progress in 2024

SAFLE, known for its self-sovereign identity protocol and non-custodial wallet, made waves in 2021 by securing funding at an average valuation of $35 million from prominent VC funds and angel investors. The platform's multichain identity wallet and SafleID feature offer users the ability to manage assets across multiple blockchains using a single user-friendly username.

In 2024, SAFLE obtained additional funding through equity and token sales from investors in the Republic of Ireland, reaching a total valuation of $77 million. This financial support will drive SAFLE's expansion initiatives and pave the way for listings on centralized exchanges. Despite facing challenges, SAFLE has demonstrated resilience and growth, highlighting its adaptability in the evolving Web3 landscape.

Key Figures at SAFLE

Apoorv Shankar, now leading the Technology and Product Vision at SAFLE, brings extensive experience in developing innovative products in IoT, AI, and blockchain domains. Joining Shankar is Shikha Mehra, a respected figure in the Web3 consulting realm, overseeing Strategy and Governance at SAFLE.

Shikha Mehra's expertise has been recognized by various entities like the OECD, UK Government, ECB, and Indian Chamber of Commerce, reflecting her profound contributions to the industry.

SAFLE's Future Roadmap

In recent months, SAFLE has expanded its in-house team with experts in blockchain, AI, and cross-chain technologies. These specialists will focus on implementing new features, including AI integration for account abstraction and data analysis, SSI for on-chain identity, enhanced DeFi support, and improved cross-chain operations. Additionally, UX enhancements and a novel intent-based architecture are in the works to enhance the user experience.

The Forward Vision

Shikha Mehra, the new Head of Strategy & Governance, praises SAFLE's team for their dedication and clear vision, especially during challenging times. She emphasizes the project's goal of delivering the best self-sovereign cross-chain identity solution in the Web3 space. SAFLE is gearing up for the next phase of growth, with plans to list $SAFLE on major exchanges in July and establish strategic partnerships.

For the latest updates on SAFLE's listings and development progress, refer to the official channels for news and announcements.



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