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Legal Battle Between Craig Wright and Peter McCormack: Understanding the Worldwide Freezing Order

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3 months ago

Legal Battle Between Craig Wright and Peter McCormack: Understanding the Worldwide Freezing Order

Dr. Craig Wright finds himself in a legal quagmire as the UK High Court imposes a Worldwide Freezing Order (WFO) on him. This order restricts him from transferring his assets until he settles his substantial legal fees amounting to £1.548 million that are owed to Peter McCormack.

The genesis of this legal entanglement stems from a defamation lawsuit filed by Wright. He claimed to be the originator of Bitcoin, but as the case unraveled, it was revealed that his testimony was fabricated and misleading. The conflict ignited in 2022 when Wright initiated legal actions against Peter McCormack, the host of a cryptocurrency podcast, for allegedly defaming him.

In his allegations, Wright accused McCormack of tarnishing his reputation through various social media platforms and online videos where false allegations were made against him, particularly regarding his identity as Satoshi Nakamoto, the alleged creator of Bitcoin.

The court acknowledged the damage caused to Wright's character by McCormack's statements, yet it levied only a nominal £1 in damages due to Wright's deceptive practices, including the submission of falsified evidence.

Furthermore, the court ruled that Wright must reimburse McCormack a substantial amount of £1.548 million ($1.9 million) to cover the legal costs incurred. The court denounced the lawsuit as unfounded, built on lies and fabricated documents. The issuance of the WFO marks a significant victory for McCormack and the entire cryptocurrency community.

This legal saga is noteworthy, especially in light of Wright's contentious history and his propensity to engage in legal battles with anyone challenging his claim of being Satoshi Nakamoto. This case underscores the importance of integrity in legal proceedings, particularly in high-profile defamation disputes involving key figures within the cryptocurrency sector.



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