• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны: 78
  • Активные пользователи: 66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней: 303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней: 879,24 млн $

Qubetics’ Non-Custodial Wallet: Convenience and Security


3 hours ago

Qubetics introduces a non-custodial wallet that provides users with full asset control, reducing reliance on third parties. The article also explores other innovations in the crypto space.

Revolutionising Wallet Security with Qubetics

Managing digital assets across multiple platforms can be challenging, especially with concerns regarding wallet security. Qubetics addresses these by allowing users full control over their assets. The wallet's key feature includes gasless transfers, eliminating fees and smoothing transactions. Its real-time conversion tool helps users deal with market volatility, offering options to switch tokens into stablecoins or fiat. The Qubetics presale has raised over $1.2 million, indicating strong investor interest.

Toncoin's Growth and Expansion

Toncoin continues to establish itself as a key player through its cross-border payment solutions. Originating from the Telegram Open Network, Toncoin's integration with Telegram facilitates direct in-app payments, enhancing user convenience and promoting adoption.

EFTSwap Enhances the DEX Experience

EFTSwap, a decentralized exchange, provides fast and affordable transaction options through its efficient trading algorithm. The user-friendly interface and advanced trading tools attract both seasoned traders and newcomers, driving its popularity within the DeFi landscape.

Qubetics, Toncoin, and EFTSwap continue to capture investor attention with their innovations, each offering unique solutions to the modern crypto market.



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