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Trump vs. Harris: What Does the Future Hold for Cryptos in the US?


2 hours ago

The 2024 U.S. presidential election could be a pivotal moment for the cryptocurrency sector. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have different perspectives on cryptos, and their approaches could significantly impact the industry's future.

Donald Trump: The Pro-Crypto Shift of a Former Skeptic

Trump, who once called Bitcoin a scam in 2021, has recently shifted gears. Today, he positions himself as a defender of cryptocurrencies, promising to make the United States the global Bitcoin capital. In his speeches, he has emphasized his intention to remove many of the regulations imposed by the Biden administration, thereby facilitating the growth of the crypto sector. Trump has also expressed his desire to create a strategic Bitcoin reserve for the country while advocating for the benefits of self-custody of digital assets and supporting decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.

Kamala Harris: Cautious but Open to Crypto Innovation

Unlike Trump, Harris hasn’t placed as much emphasis on cryptocurrencies. However, she remains open to innovation. Born near Silicon Valley, she understands the technological stakes. She recently stated her intention to encourage digital innovation, including cryptocurrencies, while ensuring consumer and investor protection.

Potential Impacts on Cryptocurrencies

Under a Trump presidency, it is likely that the U.S. will adopt pro-crypto policies, limiting regulations and attracting more crypto projects to the country. Additionally, American dominance in the mining sector could be strengthened by bringing Bitcoin production back to the U.S. Under a Harris presidency, a more stable legal framework for crypto businesses may emerge, reducing risks while encouraging innovation.

The 2024 U.S. presidential election could have significant implications for the cryptocurrency sector. The differing approaches of Trump and Harris reflect their unique views on technological advancement and the need to balance innovation with safety.



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