• Dapps: 16,23 тыс.
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Vitalik Buterin Advocates for Faster Block Finality in Ethereum


4 hours ago

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has proposed new steps to enhance the network, focusing on reducing block finalization time and expanding staking possibilities.

Centralization Risks and Performance Enhancements

In his blog, Buterin highlighted key areas for improvement to reduce centralization risks and enhance network performance. He suggested reducing block finalization time from 15 minutes to 12 seconds, significantly improving user experience. Strategies include brute force improvements in signature aggregation and the creation of 'orbit committees' for security assurance.

Reducing the Staking Threshold

Buterin proposed lowering the solo staking threshold from 32 ETH to 1 ETH to allow more users to participate. 'Poll after poll shows this threshold is the main barrier for solo staking,' stated Buterin in his post.

Poll after poll shows this threshold is the main barrier for solo staking.Vitalik Buterin

Cross-Chain Interoperability and Ethereum's Future

In August, Buterin shared his strategy for achieving seamless cross-chain interoperability among Ethereum Layer 2 networks. He is confident that the interoperability challenges within the Layer 2 ecosystem will soon be resolved.

Buterin emphasizes the need for ongoing improvements to keep Ethereum's protocol simple and functional, making it more accessible and efficient.



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