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Wright Condemns Saylor for Distorting Bitcoin's True Essence


2 hours ago

Craig Wright, a controversial figure claiming to be Bitcoin's creator, lashed out at Michael Saylor, accusing him of distorting the true essence of the cryptocurrency.

Saylor vs. Wright

Wright criticized Saylor, co-founder of MicroStrategy, for distorting Bitcoin's true nature, claiming BTC is centralized and incapable of simple transactions without intermediaries. Wright condemns Saylor's attempts to turn MicroStrategy into a Bitcoin bank, arguing it contradicts Bitcoin's founding principles.

This is the betrayal of the principles Bitcoin was built upon.Craig Wright

Bitcoin's Intended Purpose

Wright argues that Saylor's strategy distorts Bitcoin's original purpose. He believes BTC deviates from Bitcoin's original vision, particularly concerning scalability and transaction fees. Despite this, Saylor continues to advocate for BTC as digital gold and a hedge.

To call BTC 'Bitcoin' while simultaneously profiting from the very middleman role that true Bitcoin rejects is the height of deception.Craig Wright

Satoshi Claims

Wright's claims of being Satoshi Nakamoto face skepticism. Amid these claims, figures like Peter Todd deny involvement in Bitcoin's creation.

I'm not Satoshi.Peter Todd

Wright's critique of Saylor highlights the deep divides within the cryptocurrency community over Bitcoin's true nature and purpose, sparking ongoing debate and divergent opinions.



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