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XRP Pattern Points to a Long-Term Bullish Setup: Analysis by Chris McCrypto


2 hours ago

Crypto analyst Chris McCrypto has shared his analysis on XRP, pointing out a potential retest of lower price levels before a significant breakout, highlighting a symmetrical triangle pattern forming over the past few years.

Symmetrical Triangle Pattern for XRP

In his chart analysis, Chris McCrypto highlights the formation of a symmetrical triangle for XRP, which often signals a potential sharp move in the market, typically indicative of a long-term price increase. The price of XRP consolidates near the resistance line of the triangle, suggesting the possibility of an upcoming breakout.

Stochastic RSI Indicates Overbought Conditions

The Stochastic RSI, an indicator used to measure market momentum, is currently nearing overbought levels for XRP. Chris notes a similar situation occurred in 2017 when XRP did not breakout from high Stoch RSI positions, predicting a potential pullback to around $0.45 before the anticipated breakout.

January 2025 Breakout Likely

Chris McCrypto projects that XRP could break out of the symmetrical triangle by January 2025. His analysis indicates that the price may consolidate further before a significant upward surge. The timing of the breakout, however, remains influenced by both technical factors and ongoing developments in the SEC case.

While short-term price fluctuations may occur, the long-term outlook for XRP remains positive, potentially setting the stage for significant growth by early 2025.



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