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Binance Announcement on Addition and Removal of Altcoins

Июл 1, 2024

Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, began the new day and week with a notice about alternative cryptocurrencies. Binance disclosed information about 13 altcoins, mentioning the removal of 2 altcoins from the watch list and the addition of 11 new altcoins to the watch list.

As per the announcement, Binance added the following altcoins to the watch list: BAL, CTXC, CVP, CVX, DOCK, HARD, IRIS, MBL, POLS, SNT, and SUN. Simultaneously, Binance confirmed the exclusion of altcoins MLN and ZEN from the watch list.

The update implied an expansion of the Tracking Tag to encompass more tokens on 01.07.2024. The newly included tokens are: Balancer (BAL), Cortex (CTXC), PowerPool (CVP), Convex Finance (CVX), Dock (DOCK), Kava Lend (HARD), IRISnet (IRIS), MovieBloc (MBL), Polkastarter (POLS), Status (SNT), and Sun (SUN). Tokens removed from the Tracking Tag list are Enzyme (MLN) and Horizon (ZEN).

Altcoins with the Tracking Tag demonstrate higher volatility and risk compared to other listed altcoins. These tokens are subject to close monitoring and periodic evaluations. It should be noted that tokens with Tracking Tags may no longer meet the platform's listing criteria, thus facing potential removal.

*This content does not constitute investment advice.


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