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Terraform Labs Extends a Warm Welcome to Chris Amani as its New CEO

Terraform Labs Extends a Warm Welcome to Chris Amani as its New CEO

от dapp_writer007

a year ago

On July 20, 2023, Terraform Labs, a company that has recently been through a significant transformation, announced the appointment of Chris Amani as their new CEO. Amani, who has been with the company since 2021, initially served as COO and later CFO. His appointment comes as part of the company's efforts to breathe new life into the Terra project, which faced substantial challenges in May 2022 when its stablecoin, TerraUSD, experienced a collapse.

Terraform Labs Welcomes Chris Amani

Despite the setback, Terraform Labs continues its operations in Singapore, and Amani is hopeful about the company's future. He believes that with time and effort, the Terra project can be salvaged. The company's strategy involves developing applications that offer real value to users, with more details on these plans to be revealed soon.

Under Amani's leadership, the team of approximately 40 employees at Terraform Labs is working diligently towards the company's objectives. Interestingly, the company has no intentions of introducing a new stablecoin to replace the failed TerraUSD. Instead, the focus will be on other elements of the Terra project to aid its recovery.

The company's recovery plan will either modify or build upon the existing Terra 2.0 blockchain and Luna Classic (LUNC) token. Despite the challenges, Amani is confident about finding a way to progress and achieve success.

However, Terraform Labs is also dealing with legal issues related to its former CEO and co-founder, Do Kwon, who is facing charges in South Korea and the U.S. related to the collapse of his $40 billion crypto project. Kwon has stepped down as CEO but still holds 92% of the company's stocks. Amani did not comment on how these issues are impacting the company, but affirmed that Terraform Labs will continue to operate without Kwon's leadership.

Of the 40 employees at Terraform Labs, only 15 were with the company before the crisis in May 2022. Despite the changes, the company remains dedicated to its vision and is working tirelessly to overcome its challenges.



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