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Here are three new Cardano solutions that you shouldn't overlook

Here are three new Cardano solutions that you shouldn't overlook

Oct 17, 2023

In the rapidly evolving realm of decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology, Cardano continues to lead the way by consistently introducing groundbreaking solutions that redefine the landscape. Let's take a closer look at three recently unveiled projects within the Cardano network that are poised to have a significant impact in the near future.

DexHunterIO is quickly emerging as a game-changer for Cardano traders. Their cutting-edge platform is widely regarded as providing the ultimate trading experience on Cardano. One of their standout innovations is the implementation of a sharded order book that spans the entire chain. What sets them apart is their remarkable agility and responsiveness to user feedback. They regularly update features, and, in some cases, user-suggested improvements have been incorporated in a matter of hours.

The DeFi community was abuzz with excitement as Orcfax, the second-generation Cardano Oracle, made its debut on the mainnet. Embarking on its journey with a global network of nodes, Orcfax places a strong emphasis on data collection, validation, and on-chain price publications. Their ADA-USD feed is just a glimpse of the innovative offerings they plan to introduce. Noteworthy is their garbage collection system, which ensures sustainability by removing outdated fact statements.

However, Orcfax is only getting started. The upcoming phase involves expanding their data feeds, forging deeper integrations with various projects, and transitioning towards an incentivized decentralized testnet. This phase actively involves the community, and the platform's native utility token will play a pivotal role in facilitating payments for on-demand oracle data publication, staking by data validator nodes, reward disbursements, and even influencing Orcfax DAO governance decisions.

LevvyFinance has successfully established itself as one of Cardano's leading lending protocols. Initially centered around NFT-based collateral, they have now diversified their offerings by extending ADA loans against CNT collateral. The platform is notable for its impressive yield opportunities and user-friendly interface.


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