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Square Enix reveals exclusive NFT acquisition for symbiogenesis game

Square Enix reveals exclusive NFT acquisition for symbiogenesis game

Nov 8, 2023

Japanese gaming giant Square Enix has shared details on how players can obtain characters for its upcoming non-fungible token (NFT) game, Symbiogenesis, scheduled for a December launch. In lieu of a public mint, Square Enix is launching a 'Chapter 1' allowlist campaign. To mint characters from Chapter 1, players must participate in the campaign. Participating players stand a chance to win Relics, which are redeemable for Chapter 2 Allow List points, and top-ranking players may even mint a character for free.

The campaign, featuring various activities, will be hosted on the game's Discord server from November 7 to November 21. These activities include a Prologue Quiz, Lucky Bloom, Majority-Minority Game, and a Hella Difficult Quiz. To participate, players need to log in and link their wallet to their Discord account. Participants will be awarded member points based on the number of Relics they collect, with those having the highest ranking being eligible for Phase 2 of the NFT Character Mint.

Symbiogenesis aims to create a new IP within the realm of Web3 and encourages character owners to use them in-game and participate in the community. The game features four character types: facet, mesh, line, and point, with Chroma serving as the protagonist. The story begins with Chroma, the Guard, meeting Lambda, the Conservator, the current leader of the Land of Salvation in the Floating Continent. Humanity's survival on the Floating Continent is threatened by a Dragon attack, setting the stage for various storylines and multiple endings, all shaped by the player's choices.

Notably, Symbiogenesis has partnered with GensoKishi Online to develop a Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proof-based scaling rollup called Immutable zkEVM. The game introduces an innovative approach to NFT acquisition, offering players a deeper engagement with the evolving storyline and multiple character options.


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