Alien Worlds has announced the launch of the Galaxy Championship tournament for its community game Battlefleet Armageddon, a free-to-play mobile auto-battler launched on mobile devices last month. The tournament will run from March 14th to 28th, and anyone can participate in this title Web3 and compete for a prize pool of 250,000 $TLM on Android and iOS devices by downloading the game from the Play Store or App Store.
The tournament format entails players battling in a series of matches using their fleet of spaceships over the course of two weeks, aiming to achieve the highest score on the leaderboard to qualify for rewards, making it into the top 50. To officially win each match, players need to win 10 battles, with the game becoming progressively more challenging as you progress and unlock new ships and upgrades. Rankings will be calculated based on the number of victories, and final results will be determined on March 28th at 23:59 UTC. In the event two players achieve the same number of wins, the advantage will go to the one with the better win-loss ratio.
The tournament winner will be rewarded with 70,000 $TLM, the second-place finisher will receive 40,000 $TLM, and the third-place finisher will receive 30,000 $TLM. Players ranking from 4th to 10th place will each receive 10,000 $TLM, while those from 11th to 50th place will be awarded 1000 $TLM each.