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Austin, Texas, comes to life in The Sandbox's new adventure, Cobbleland: Austin

Austin, Texas, comes to life in The Sandbox's new adventure, Cobbleland: Austin

Mar 21, 2024

In partnership with Smobler Studios, The Sandbox launches Cobbleland: Austin, a virtual tourism hub inviting players to explore Austin, Texas's famous sites and local businesses. This project, jointly developed with the City of Austin and Smobler Studios, offers a virtual version of Austin for gamers and virtual tourists, introducing a new way to experience the city's landmarks, such as the State Capitol and Austin Central Library.

A distinctive feature of Cobbleland: Austin is its focus on local enterprises: the game features 100 small and medium-sized businesses from the region, giving them a platform to showcase themselves globally. This unique aspect not only aids in the economic development of Austin but also enriches the gameplay. Players interact through characters known as C-tizens, engaging in games and building community ties.

The launch of Cobbleland: Austin marks a significant step for The Sandbox in their mission to overcome barriers in travel and exploration. Virtual tourism allows people to explore places they have never been, free from the constraints of physical travel. It heralds a future where anyone can visit any corner of the globe, making exploration more inclusive.

Cobbleland: Austin is more than just a new addition. It highlights the power of virtual worlds in bringing global communities together, effortlessly introducing new cultures and locations. The project serves as an example of how virtual tourism can transform our understanding of travel and community interaction.

As Cobbleland: Austin welcomes visitors, it's not just an invitation to explore the city of Austin but also a glimpse into the potential of virtual worlds. This experience expands The Sandbox's offerings and signals a future where virtual tourism is accessible to everyone.


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