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Binance Launchpool Presents the 41st Project to Launch

Binance Launchpool Presents the 41st Project to Launch

Dec 19, 2023

Binance has announced the launch of its 41st project on the Binance Launchpool, named NFPrompt (NFP). This user-generated content (UGC) platform is based on artificial intelligence and is aimed at content creators in the Web3 space.

Users can stake their funds in BNB, FDUSD, and TUSD in various pools to mine the NFP token for 7 days. The program is set to start on December 20, 2023. Afterward, Binance will list the NFP token on the exchange, scheduled for December 27 at 13:00 Moscow time. Users will have access to six trading pairs, including NFP/BTC, NFP/USDT, NFP/BNB, NFP/FDUSD, NFP/TUSD, and NFP/TRY. It's important to note that this cryptocurrency is subject to a Seed Tag.

The press release announced the introduction of an innovative model on Binance Launchpool known as "Fair Mode." This model is designed to protect and maximize the interests of the community and retail users. Its mechanism involves providing a larger number of tokens to the community in the early stages. Additionally, all Launchpool assets will be released before the listing of the digital currency.

The new fair mode will prevent certain allocations from entering circulation, further reducing inflationary pressure. states the official statement.

The total number of tokens will be 1 billion NFP. 11% of this amount will be allocated as rewards for Launchpool participants, and 25% of the tokens will be in circulation.

Binance Launchpool is a platform offered by the cryptocurrency exchange Binance. It allows users to earn new tokens by participating in liquidity farming programs.

This platform features various projects that introduce their cryptocurrencies using this platform. Users have the opportunity to invest their funds in tokens using specific pairs and receive rewards in the form of new assets. The distribution of these assets is proportional to each participant's contribution.


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