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Blockchain Game Developer Reveals New Type of Job Scam Fraud

Blockchain Game Developer Reveals New Type of Job Scam Fraud

Jan 15, 2024

Analyst Colin Wu shared information about a new type of cryptocurrency fraud, as described by developer 0xMario. This method is associated with blockchain games and involves deception with job offers. Scammers ask victims to download a game program to test a new project.

Security experts from SlowMist advised that when downloading files such as .exe, .scr, .com, .cmd, .bat, .ps1, .vbs, .js, .lnk, .dmg, .app, it's better to use a virtual machine or a computer not intended for work. 0xMario reported via Twitter that he encountered a sophisticated type of fraud, calling it the most cunning he had ever faced.

The developer clarified that the scammers failed to steal his digital assets, but the risk was significant. He received a job offer to work on a Web3 game using Solidity, involving NFTs and an in-game economy, from an unknown person.

The project, named MythIsland, seemed reliable: the website had quality graphics, functioning links, and a documented team. After moving the conversation to Telegram, 0xMario received instructions and team information. He was asked to download a file to launch the game, which was in alpha version, and to create an account.

After installing the program on a Windows virtual machine, 0xMario encountered an error related to the NET.Framework update. Trying the same process on another computer resulted in the same error. After attempts to contact the project team and employer, he found that all chats with him had been deleted and his account was blocked. This led him to suspect that the scammers gave up trying to get his digital assets, realizing they would not succeed.


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