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Blur NFT Airdrop Rewards a Fortunate Trader with Over $8.4 Million Win

Blur NFT Airdrop Rewards a Fortunate Trader with Over $8.4 Million Win

Nov 22, 2023

The NFT marketplace Blur finished its second season with a major airdrop event, a peak in its activities. During this event, a trader named "Hanwe" made a remarkable $8.4 million. Hanwe's engagement in bidding, listing, and lending on the marketplace resulted in gaining 22.85 million BLUR tokens, a significant share of the 300 million BLUR tokens distributed at the season's end.

Blur's business approach, which focuses on incentivizing user engagement, has been successful in boosting trading activities. This strategy has been so effective that Blur has surpassed OpenSea in trading volume within the year, a significant achievement in the competitive NFT space.

Looking forward, Blur is not resting on its laurels. The marketplace is gearing up for its third season with several major updates, including the launch of Blast, a cutting-edge Ethereum layer-2 network. Supported by notable investors like Paradigm and Standard Crypto, Blast is poised to play a central role in Blur's operations for the upcoming season, with another airdrop planned for May 2024.

Additionally, Blur is undertaking a significant overhaul of its reward system for the third season. The new structure promises that users who deposit BLUR tokens on the platform will receive a generous 50% of the season's allocated rewards.

The success of Blur's second season, highlighted by the substantial airdrop and the remarkable gains of users like Hanwe, demonstrates the effectiveness of its user engagement strategy. This approach has not only enabled Blur to outperform OpenSea in trading volume but also set the stage for exciting developments in the upcoming season.

With the introduction of the Blast network and the revamped reward system, Blur is clearly aiming to build on its past successes and introduce innovative features and incentives. These developments suggest that the third season of Blur's NFT marketplace will be a period of heightened excitement and opportunity for both users and investors.


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