In the city of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, millions of pilgrims gather for the great religious festival of Maha Kumbh, held every 12 years. Organizers are using artificial intelligence to ensure safety and enhance the experience.
Spirituality and Tech: Digi Maha Kumbh
The Maha Kumbh festival, deeply significant for Hindus, is held as 'Digi Maha Kumbh' with AI to enhance the pilgrimage experience. 2,700 cameras with face recognition and traffic management analytics with 240 systems are installed. Drones are used for underwater and aerial surveillance.
Maha Kumbh 2025: AI as Your Guide
An app, 'Kumbh Sah'AI'yak,' serves as a digital guide for pilgrims, providing real-time information, navigation, and cultural insights in 11 languages.
Integrating AI into the Maha Kumbh is a revolutionary step, making the festival a unique experience for millions. India sets an example of how technology can enhance large-scale events.
The integration of AI into the Maha Kumbh festival is a unique example of how modern technology can enhance a traditional religious event, making it safer and more convenient for pilgrims.