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Bitcoin and Gold Prices Correlation

May 31, 2024

Bitcoin and Gold Prices Correlation

Recent data suggests a growing connection between Bitcoin and Gold, as their 60-day correlation trend displays an upward trajectory. This indicates a closer alignment in the prices of these assets. Analyzing this emerging trend, Kaiko highlighted its importance.

Understanding Correlation

Correlation measures the link between two variables. A positive correlation signifies that both asset prices move in sync. As the correlation nears 1, this connection strengthens.

On the contrary, a negative correlation implies prices move in opposite directions, with -1 representing a perfect negative bond. A correlation of 0 shows no connection between asset prices, indicating independent movements.

Bitcoin and Gold Relationship Trends

Kaiko's analysis reveals a rising correlation between Bitcoin and Gold in recent months. A graph plotting the 60-day correlation shows a negative turn towards the end of 2023. However, current data show a positive shift, albeit below 0.2.

In 2022, the correlation peaked around 0.5, significantly above the current levels. Despite the recent rise, the existing correlation falls short of this peak, suggesting that while Bitcoin and Gold are converging more closely than before, their bond isn't as strong as it used to be.

Investment Significance

Asset correlation is crucial for investors seeking portfolio diversification. Assets with high correlation fail to provide diversification benefits as their price movements synchronize.

The current low correlation between Bitcoin and Gold indicates their effectiveness as diversification tools. Investors holding one asset can enhance risk management and potentially boost returns by adding the other to their portfolios.

The augmented correlation between Bitcoin and Gold may stem from broader market trends and investor sentiments. Both assets are commonly seen as shields against economic uncertainties, and the increased correlation might signal a shift in investor outlook on their roles in a diversified portfolio.

However, the current low correlation allows for further alignment or divergence based on upcoming market conditions and economic influences.

This article was originally published on BH NEWS.


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