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Charles Hoskinson Denies Saylor’s Claims

May 4, 2024

In response to criticism from the crypto community regarding Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, defended ADA against statements made by Michael Saylor, the CEO of MicroStrategy. Saylor expressed his belief that only Bitcoin would be accepted as a corporate asset in the future, dismissing other assets such as BNB, Solana, Cardano, and Ripple, and suggesting that they may be classified as securities.

Saylor specifically mentioned that if Ethereum is not approved as a commodity by the summer, it would be considered a security. He predicted that assets like BNB, Solana, Ripple, and Cardano may also be classified as securities and not linked to spot exchange-traded funds, preventing acceptance by major Wall Street banks.

Charles Hoskinson strongly criticized Saylor's stance, accusing him of being a traditional Bitcoin maximalist who dismisses all other cryptocurrencies as fraudulent. Hoskinson's statements were in response to the views of Bitcoin maximalists who consider only Bitcoin as legitimate while labeling other altcoins as crimes or scams.

Additionally, Komodo’s CTO, Kadan Stadelmann, supported Hoskinson's position, agreeing that Saylor's Bitcoin maximalism was evident in his statements. Stadelmann noted the ease of creating securities, as compared to commodities, and emphasized that the future remains uncertain. He highlighted that major companies like BlackRock and Fidelity are exploring the launch of spot Ethereum ETFs, suggesting potential legal action if their applications are rejected by the SEC.

The original article can be found on COINTURK NEWS.


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