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Coinbase Victorious in Lawsuit Concerning Cryptocurrency Transactions

Apr 6, 2024

Coinbase, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange, has emerged successful in an ongoing legal battle. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has ruled in favor of Coinbase, stating that secondary cryptocurrency sales on its platform do not breach the Securities Exchange Act.

A nationwide group of individuals who engaged in token trading on Coinbase between October 8, 2019, and March 11, 2022, are impacted by the court's decision. The core issue revolved around whether the traded cryptocurrencies on Coinbase met the standards for being labeled as securities.

The plaintiffs brought forth federal allegations under the Securities Act of 1933 sections 5, 12(a)(1), and 15, as well as sections 5, 15(a)(1), 20(a), and 29(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. They also raised state law concerns regarding securities regulations in California, Florida, and New Jersey on behalf of a nationwide group of individuals.

The plaintiffs argued that Coinbase's activities constituted the offering and sale of unregistered securities and violated several securities laws. However, Coinbase contended that secondary sales of crypto-assets did not align with securities transaction regulations, challenging the relevance of securities laws.

The Court of Appeals investigated various aspects and made decisions regarding Coinbase's liability under the Securities Act's Section 12(a)(1) for selling unregistered securities. While some of the lower court's verdicts were overturned, others were upheld.

The interpretation of Coinbase's user agreements, which underwent modifications overtime, played a pivotal role in the court's decision. Discrepancies in the user agreement versions complicated issues related to title and privity crucial to the case.

The plaintiffs perceive the ruling as progress towards holding crypto platforms accountable under securities laws to safeguard investors in the dynamic crypto industry. On the contrary, Coinbase believes the decision reinforces its stance that secondary crypto sales are not securities transactions.

Coinbase also highlighted the significance of regulatory clarity to spur innovation within the sector. The Court of Appeals' ruling carries significant implications for the supervision of cryptocurrencies and digital assets.


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