Cryptocurrency exchange Bitget announced the launch of the global Bitget Builders Program, aimed at attracting enthusiasts from around the world to collaboratively develop the Bitget ecosystem.
Launch of Bitget Builders Program
Starting in February 2025, Bitget is launching a long-term recruitment program for builders deeply exploring the blockchain industry. The program invites participants from all over the world without geographical limitations. Participants will engage in various roles aligned with their skills and interests, earning rewards for their contributions.
The "Build Bitget with Vugar" Events
"Build Bitget with Vugar" events will serve as a platform for dialogue between Bitget's leadership and the global community. Vugar Usi Zade, COO of Bitget, will lead a series of interactive sessions, sharing the company's strategic vision and future plans.
Program's Role in Blockchain4Youth Project
The Bitget Builders Program is a significant component of the Blockchain4Youth charity project, aiming to empower young talents and foster innovation within the crypto space. The program has brought participants from more than 55 countries, promoting integration of the next generation of crypto leaders into the Bitget ecosystem.
The Bitget Builders Program opens new opportunities for blockchain enthusiasts worldwide, contributing to Bitget's expansion and strengthening the global community.