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FBI Reveals Rapidly Increasing Cryptocurrency Fraud in 2023

Sep 10, 2024
  1. FBI 2023 Crypto Report
  2. Ranking of Victimized Countries
  3. Types of Attacks and Their Consequences

Cryptocurrency markets continue to be a target for scammers. In 2023, various attacks led to losses amounting to 5.6 billion dollars. The FBI released a report based on the number of complaints and the amount of damage.

FBI 2023 Crypto Report

Financial fraud crimes existed before cryptocurrencies entered our lives. In its latest report, the FBI highlights the growing complexity of these attacks over the past year. FBI Director Christopher Wray stated: "The severity and complexity of frauds targeting cryptocurrency investors are rapidly increasing. The best way to help stop these crimes is for people to report them to the Internet Crime Center, even if they have not experienced any loss. This allows us to track the latest attack methods and more."

Ranking of Victimized Countries

According to data from the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center, the most victimized countries are the USA, with 57,762 complaints in 2023 and total losses of 4.809 billion dollars. Canada is in second place. The Cayman Islands, likely due to companies operating in that region, follow next. Turkey also reported 303 fraud complaints. The largest portion of attacks constitutes scams with promises of technical support, making up 46% of all cases.

Types of Attacks and Their Consequences

Investment fraud tops the list in terms of total losses. SIM Swap also represents a significant issue with losses of 30 million dollars. The last chart shared in the 2023 report shows a significant increase in the number of complaints and losses compared to previous years.

The FBI report shows that cryptocurrency fraud increased in 2023. It is important to remain vigilant and follow the FBI's recommendations to protect against such crimes.


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