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Introducing SubQuery SDK 4.0: Enhancing Performance with Increased Speed

Apr 5, 2024

SubQuery SDK 4.0 is designed to offer faster blockchain indexing capabilities for developers. The tool provides a data layer that is indexed, allowing for quicker access to rich data, ultimately leading to the creation of more engaging user experiences.

The objective of SubQuery is to be the most user-friendly and fastest indexing tool available. The recent release of SDK 4.0 brings significant performance enhancements to achieve this goal.

Updates in SDK 4.0

The focus of SDK 4.0 is primarily on speed, aiming to boost indexing performance significantly. By optimizing multi-threading and store operations, developers can now sync faster, iterate more rapidly, and bring new features to the market in a timelier manner.

One of the key changes in SDK 4.0 is the introduction of the SubQuery Data Node and filtering RPC API. This new API allows for quicker and more efficient indexing by enabling the SDK to retrieve targeted data, such as relevant transactions and logs, rather than whole blocks or unnecessary information.

The implementation of these changes has led to a marked improvement in indexing speed. In a comparative study with one of the popular Subgraphs, SubQuery was found to index almost 3.9 times faster than its counterpart for Ethereum POAP indexing.

At present, the Ethereum SDK is supported by the new Data Nodes, with plans to expand compatibility to other blockchain networks in the future. Additionally, SDK 4.0 includes enhancements such as improved store functionality within mapping handlers.

Introducing the SubQuery Data Node

The SubQuery Data Node is a specialized RPC node optimized for efficient querying, especially in endpoints like eth_getLog. It offers enhanced performance and filtering capabilities in a single API call, making it an invaluable asset for developers.

The Data Node is open-source, allowing for contributions and modifications from the community. Currently, SubQuery provides two Data Nodes: one for Ethereum and testnets, and another for Optimism, Base, and their testnets.

The collaboration between the SubQuery Indexer and Data Node results in a high-performance indexing solution that is fully decentralized, thanks to the SubQuery Network.

Details on the Data Node, including usage instructions, can be found here.

Future Developments

In the future, SubQuery plans to democratize RPC services and address EIP-4444 through the introduction of the Sharded Data Node. This innovation aims to reduce the cost and complexity of running RPC nodes, making it more accessible to a broader user base.

By extending support for sharding, SubQuery's Data Node will optimize performance further by splitting up block ranges among node operators, thereby enhancing query efficiency.

About SubQuery

SubQuery Network is dedicated to revolutionizing web3 infrastructure by providing tools that empower builders to shape a decentralized future. With a focus on speed, flexibility, and openness, SubQuery facilitates the development of dApps on various networks. The upcoming Data Node promises groundbreaking improvements in the RPC industry, ensuring decentralization without compromise.

Join the movement at SubQuery to drive inclusive and decentralized web3 innovations and help shape the future of the internet together.


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