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Optimism Introduces New Superchain Features for Layer-3 Developers

May 9, 2024

Optimism, a provider of Ethereum scaling solutions, aims to enhance its blockchain throughput by bringing layer-3 applications onto the OP Stack. Recently, the team announced that they are inviting layer-3s to the Superchain to develop on the OP Stack and collaborate with the Optimism Collective.

The OP Stack, which is the codebase standard for building on the Superchain, is not only restricted to L2 chain builders and app developers. The team highlighted that an ecosystem of L3s can also leverage these resources.

The Optimism Superchain comprises a network of layer-2 chains called OP Chains that share security, communication layers, and open-source technology.

Layer-3 developers stand to benefit from retro funding, airdrops, developer grants, although there may be constraints on certain features like interoperability. Layer-3 protocols are designed to host application-specific decentralized applications, enabling solutions for scaling, performance, interoperability, customization, and cost-efficiency.

Two primary features set to support L3 builders on the OP Stack include custom gas tokens and "Plasma Mode." Custom gas tokens allow developers to utilize a layer-2 token as the native gas token for a layer-3 protocol, reducing onboarding costs. Plasma Mode serves as an alternative to the data availability layer, decreasing the fixed overhead cost of operating an L3 compared to an L2.

The objective is to make the Optimism Superchain more developer-friendly by incorporating layer-3 features and functionalities.

Despite the advancements, there are skeptics of the L3 approach for Ethereum scaling. Some argue that L3 networks might not be necessary and could introduce security risks. Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum's co-founder, highlighted the potential for L3s to provide customized functionalities for scaling purposes.

In the realm of layer-2 networks, Optimism's OP Mainnet ranks as the second-largest with a total value locked of $6.76 billion, securing an 18% market share.

Image source: CoinGecko


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