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SendBlocks: Redefining Blockchain Data Management Practices

Jul 2, 2024

SendBlocks, a pioneering startup specializing in blockchain data management, has announced its emergence from stealth mode on July 2nd, 2024, in Tel Aviv, Israel. With a notable achievement of securing $8.2 million in seed funding, led by Castle Island Ventures and supported by institutional investors like Pitango, Illuminate Financial, Laser Digital (Nomura), Starkware, and influential ecosystem leaders, SendBlocks marks a significant milestone in its journey.

Central to SendBlocks' strategy is the simplification of blockchain data access. Through a fully customizable platform, the company empowers blockchain enterprises, ecosystems, protocols, and applications to define their data requirements, enabling SendBlocks to efficiently extract relevant information from the blockchain.

The rise of high throughput blockchains has unlocked new possibilities for blockchain-based applications, driven by improved usability and lower transaction costs. SendBlocks envisions a future where developers can access any blockchain data without the need for extensive data teams or exorbitant expenses.

Key clients such as Bancor and SphereX have already reaped the benefits of SendBlocks' innovative solutions, witnessing operational efficiencies and cost savings. As the blockchain landscape evolves with the proliferation of high throughput blockchains, SendBlocks positions itself as a key player in the data management sector.

Challenges in Data Management within Web3

In contrast to traditional web2 development practices where backend engineers interact directly with databases, the blockchain ecosystem relies on the blockchain itself as the backend, accessed through RPC calls. This setup presents two significant challenges:

  1. Flexibility: The growing number of applications on blockchains results in diverse data requirements. Each organization has distinct data needs and processing methods. Presently, tailored solutions that provide the exact data required by blockchain users for a personalized web2-like experience are scarce, leading organizations to invest resources in developing in-house data management solutions.

  2. Scale: Obtaining detailed blockchain data requires the development of complex indexers to continuously query the blockchain. However, these services face performance challenges when handling high-throughput blockchains processing a large number of transactions in short intervals.

Innovative Solutions by SendBlocks

In response to these challenges, SendBlocks introduces an innovative approach. Co-founders Itay Shrem and Michael Kellner, drawing on their extensive experience in building secure infrastructures, streamline backend and indexing processes for blockchain developers. By consolidating the indexer/RPC process into a user-friendly platform, SendBlocks offers a robust and flexible solution.

Real-world applications of the SendBlocks platform have already demonstrated significant advantages for clients, including access to historical data and personalized notifications. By providing customers visibility into on-chain activities, SendBlocks reduces reliance on API queries, leading to leaner data teams regardless of the underlying blockchain.


SendBlocks empowers enterprises, ecosystems, and protocols to access on-chain data seamlessly, reducing development costs and accelerating time-to-market. With a team encompassing diverse expertise from established web2 entities like Microsoft and AWS to web3 organizations like Bancor and Algorand, SendBlocks sets a new standard in blockchain data management.

About SendBlocks

SendBlocks emerges as a trailblazing startup in blockchain data management, providing a customizable platform for streamlined data access. With $8.2 million in seed funding led by Castle Island Ventures, SendBlocks aims to revolutionize data flexibility and scalability in high-throughput blockchains, reshaping data management practices in the industry.


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