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Transforming On-Chain Transactions with AI Agents

Jun 11, 2024

Leading the way in Web3 infrastructure advancements, Biconomy is revolutionizing on-chain transactions by integrating AI agents to conduct transactions autonomously on behalf of users. This innovative approach is made possible through the Delegated Authorization Network (DAN), which serves as a pivotal authorization layer facilitating the execution of autonomous transactions. Aniket Jindal, co-founder of Biconomy, highlights the significance of DAN as a novel development that empowers users to delegate trading operations to AI agents.

The Role of DAN

DAN's fundamental principle revolves around the delegation of authority, enabling AI agents to oversee trading accounts and execute transactions based on predefined user directives. By establishing permissions through decentralized applications (DApps), AI agents can interpret specific user input related to fund distribution and trading strategies.

In this framework, AI agents are programmed to carry out designated tasks autonomously or with minimal human intervention. These tasks encompass a spectrum of activities, ranging from automating repetitive functions to making intricate decisions in dynamic settings based on predetermined criteria or acquired knowledge.

This paradigm surpasses the conventional realm of AI-driven trading bots, which typically focus on automating asset trading. In contrast, AI agents offer an elevated level of sophistication in asset management and portfolio optimization.

Ensuring Security and Privacy in Transactions

DAN by Biconomy ensures the security and privacy of transactions through a sharding mechanism for key safeguarding. When a new authorization key is generated for a user, it is fragmented into multiple segments, which are then dispersed across a decentralized node network. This distribution strategy prevents any singular node from possessing complete access to the key, fortifying security protocols.

To uphold the integrity and efficacy of each node within the DAN infrastructure, Biconomy implements EigenLayer, drawing upon Ethereum's economic security model. Validators operating in the EigenLayer network are obligated to stake Ethereum assets, subject to potential deduction in case of misconduct. This mechanism guarantees the secure engagement of AI entities in on-chain transactions without compromising the principles of self-custody.

Anticipated Growth

The financial sector anticipates substantial growth in the adoption of AI agents. According to Grand View Research, the global autonomous AI and agents market is forecasted to burgeon to approximately $70.53 billion by 2030, exhibiting an annual growth rate of 42.8% from 2023 to 2030. Financial institutions are progressively embracing AI agents to streamline trading operations, manage risks, and identify fraudulent activities.

Biconomy's integration of AI agents in on-chain transactions signifies a remarkable stride towards automation and enhancement of financial functions within the Web3 landscape. DAN not only enhances transaction management by furnishing a secure, autonomous, and user-centric authorization stratum but also underscores the vast potential of AI in revolutionizing financial practices.


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