Kaidro, initially known for its webtoon series from 2020, has now evolved into an animated and multiplayer role-playing game. Developer Gadget-Bot announced that Kaidro will be launched exclusively on the Ronin network by Sky Mavis, moving away from initial plans to deploy on Immutable. Peggy Chung, co-founder of Gadget-Bot, expressed excitement about the partnership with Ronin, emphasizing that this collaboration aligns with their vision for the future of Kaidro.
Gadget-Bot, founded by Chung and Robert Simons, has created IP addresses and features for a multitude of blockbuster projects, including "Alita: Battle Angel," "Jurassic World," "Transformers," "Call of Duty," and "Apex Legends." Kaidro offers a transmedia experience, including web comics, animation, TV series, and a narrative multiplayer role-playing game. The game unfolds in a post-apocalyptic world where a faction owning mechanisms battles against powerful magic users. The game includes PVP, PVE, and a quest system.
Trung Nguyen, CEO and co-founder of Sky Mavis, expressed joy over the partnership with Gadget-Bot, noting that the Kaidro franchise is ideally suited for integration with Web3. Following the news, Kaidro also released its latest trailer, created in collaboration with Tim Hedrick, known for his work on "Avatar: The Last Airbender," "Avatar: The Legend of Korra," and "Voltron: Legendary Defender."