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LayerZero: Token Airdrop for 1.28 Million Users

LayerZero: Token Airdrop for 1.28 Million Users

Jun 19, 2024

The LayerZero Foundation team has launched a new service to check the eligibility for the ZRO token airdrop. This initiative has sparked significant interest in the cryptocurrency community, as 1.28 million wallets are eligible for the rewards.

LayerZero Labs CEO Brian Pellegrino noted that early users received three times more tokens compared to other participants. He also added that those who made transactions after the set snapshot received an additional 10 ZRO. This decision was made to reward active users of the platform.

Pellegrino also announced that a report on the "sybil hunting" campaign will be published on June 20, 2024. According to him, this initiative prevented sybil attackers from receiving 10 million tokens. These assets will be redistributed among the members of LZ Core, which, according to the CEO, will enhance the stability and fairness of the reward distribution.

It is worth noting that the cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin has announced the listing of ZRO tokens on June 20. This event is highly anticipated as it may significantly impact the token's value.

Additionally, it should be noted that the ZKsync project team previously announced the distribution of 3.675 billion ZK tokens, which accounts for 17.5% of the total supply of the asset. However, the community later expressed dissatisfaction with the reward distribution, leading to discussions and criticism of the project.


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