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The ZKsync team released a clarification on the controversial points of the airdrop

The ZKsync team released a clarification on the controversial points of the airdrop

Jun 14, 2024

The zkSync project team released a FAQ to address community questions regarding the ZK token airdrop. The developers specifically explained why addresses with no transaction history are eligible for participation.

It should be noted that zkSync announced the airdrop on June 11, 2024. The token claim will be open on June 17. However, after the addition of the eligibility check, there was an uproar in the community.

The discontent was caused by the fact that some addresses eligible for the airdrop had no transaction history, meaning they had not interacted with the zkSync project.

Additionally, the community expressed dissatisfaction with the significant disparity in rewards, lack of transparency, and ineffective measures against Sybil attacks.

In ZK Nation, it was stated that a wave of disinformation was launched against the project.

On June 14, the organization published a FAQ addressing community criticism and clarifying several issues.

Key points:

  • 17.5% of the total ZK supply was allocated for the airdrop. 89% will go to users, and 11% to participants, including contractors and developers who contributed to the project.
  • For the second category (participants), activity in zkSync networks was not a mandatory condition for receiving the airdrop. Therefore, addresses with no transaction history meet the distribution criteria.
  • Participant eligibility was determined by several variables: the number of criteria met, the amount of deposited capital (TWAB over 12 months), and a multiplier. The volume of transactions itself did not affect the potential airdrop amount for a specific address.
  • Some users received less due to cost scaling, which depends directly on the volume of assets sent to the zkSync Era network and how long they were held.
  • 2.8% of the airdrop was reserved for the Degen and Bonsai communities, Crypto The Game, Pudgy, and Milady.
  • Addresses with more than 100,000 ZK belong to participants who received rewards both as users and as participants.
  • The developers did not identify any serious issues, which may indicate no plans for reward recalculation.

The team also stated that they are preparing more comprehensive material to answer all community questions with maximum transparency.


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