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Top 7 Key Trends in the DeFi Sector According to CoinGecko Analysts

Top 7 Key Trends in the DeFi Sector According to CoinGecko Analysts

Jun 19, 2024

Experts from CoinGecko have identified 7 key trends in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector that investors should watch in 2024. They emphasized that since its inception in 2020, this sector has become one of the biggest innovations in the digital currency field.

Analysts noted that DeFi offers an alternative approach to financial services by eliminating intermediaries such as banks and brokers, providing direct services like lending, trading, and investing in a peer-to-peer, open, and transparent manner.

The total value locked (TVL) in DeFi is $91.76 billion, which is 53.49% less than the peak value of $176.25 billion reached in October 2022. Despite this significant decline, there was a notable rebound in Q4 2023, with TVL increasing more than 2.5 times compared to the low of $36.59 billion in October 2023.

Key trends include perpetual LP (liquidity) pools offering real yields. Additionally, startups providing intent-based architecture, allowing users to specify desired outcomes without needing to define every aspect of their transactions, are important.

Analysts advise paying attention to projects offering points and giveaways to encourage user participation and increase liquidity. They also mentioned the sector of liquid staking and restaking, which allows stakers to earn yields while their assets are locked.

Furthermore, experts highlighted products offering cross-chain connectivity to ensure compatibility and asset transfer between different blockchain networks. The tokenization of real-world assets (RWA), which allows the digitization of physical objects, is also worth noting.

Finally, developments on the Bitcoin network aimed at overcoming past limitations and improving the capabilities of the flagship blockchain are gaining popularity. Don't forget about prediction markets, which allow users to trade and speculate on the outcome of future events.


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