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Grill.chat: a new level of interaction for crypto communities

Grill.chat: a new level of interaction for crypto communities

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19 minutes ago

Что такое Grill.chat: a new level of interaction for crypto communities?

The chat application Grill.chat, which is based on the Subsocial platform, supports Ethereum identifiers and enables donations using the Polygon network. Developed on the basis of the Polkadot parachain, Subsocial (SUB) is designed for creating social networking applications.


How Grill.chat Works

Grill.chat allows users to interact in over 70 chats, mainly on topics related to cryptocurrencies. The developers' goal is to attract new projects in the Web3 sphere to form communities on this platform.

Thanks to the implementation of compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), users can link their Subsocial wallets with EVM wallets, confirming ownership of the latter through signing transactions. This allows for donations without the need to own SUB tokens and to verify their identity as an Ethereum user in chats. In the future, it is planned to expand functionality to include the ability to display NFT collections to other users.

Attracting Investors

Zachary Edwards, CEO of Subsocial, noted that Grill.chat is focused on attracting crypto projects as potential chat sponsors.

Currently, many crypto communities are concentrated in Discord and Telegram, creating inconvenience for users due to the need to download separate applications to participate in communities.

Grill.chat offers a solution to this problem by allowing chat groups to be integrated directly onto developer team websites or into application interfaces.

For example, the Zeitgeist application, a blockchain-based prediction market platform, includes a chat function through Grill.chat, ensuring seamless user interaction.

However, in the past, users faced compatibility issues with wallets from networks based on the EVM, such as:

  • Ethereum,
  • Polygon,
  • Avalanche.

To simplify the use of Grill.chat, developers have implemented the ability to create a Subsocial wallet directly from the application and provided gas payment for users through a smart contract, allowing limited use of signing rights.

This measure did not completely solve the problem of separating Ethereum user identifiers and messages in Grill.chat, but the implementation of EVM compatibility significantly simplified the process of transitioning to the application for Ethereum users, as Edwards emphasized.

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