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Wipies — new NFT collection on Polygon logo

Wipies — new NFT collection on Polygon

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19 minutes ago

Что такое Wipies — new NFT collection on Polygon?

Wipies — a 10,000 NFT toilet paper set. This is a way to reward Poopies owners with a brand new nft - the "paper" version of their Poopies.



About nft gaming Wipies

10,000 Wipies are available for minting at an open Dutch auction. The minting price starts from 1000 MATIC and will gradually decrease to 10 MATIC. This is so that an nft community can set a fair starting price.

By using Polygon, developers are giving more people the opportunity to join the Poopies community while keeping gas prices low.Wipies

Wipies will not be disclosed at the time of minting. After the end of the auction, you have 7 days to open it yourself or you can join a group where all Wipies will be discovered at once.

Other features:

1 The project represents a new level of membership.
2 Everything that happens in the future happens with the intention of accumulating benefits only for members, primarily Poopies, but also Wipies.

Each of the 10,000 characters is as special as the next, but some are less common than others. Wipies come in a variety of rarities, such as ultra-rare, uncommon and common. The less frequent the attributes, the less frequent your objects will be.

More information about NFT

NFT is fundamentally changing the way people can collect and trade art. At the moment, there is no White Paper on the site. The developers provide a section with answers to questions, as well as a description of the project on the main page. The RoadMap section marks future updates.

If you want to stay up to date with all innovations, subscribe to the community on the following social networks:

Check out the Medium blog for articles. The smart contract has not been audited.

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