REFERRAL REWARDS 20% + 5% + 3% + 2%
How it works?
30dtron smart contract generates 7.7% daily profit for all investors. In just 30 days, investors receive a total return of 231% from their investment amount. A smart contract is fully autonomous, automated, and protected from any outside influence. 30dtron is the simplest way to multiply your assets in just a 30 days.
30dTron Referral reward consists of additional income totaling 30% for users to attract new investors to 30dTron via affiliate link. New investors who join 30dTron use your referral link to become a Level 1 referral and you will get 20% from every time your referral invests (forever). Everyone invited to 30dTron by your 1st tier referral becomes your 2nd tier referral and also gives you an additional 5% gain from each referral. and Everyone invited to 30dtron by your 2nd level referral becomes your 3rd level referral and also gives you an additional 3% gain from each referral. And last referral levels also gives you an additional 2% gain from each referral, FOREVER !
Referral reward is credited in TRX to your account. You can withdraw it to your wallet at any time.