• Dapps:16,23 тыс.
  • Блокчейны:78
  • Активные пользователи:66,47 млн
  • Объем за 30 дней:303,26 млрд $
  • Транзакции за 30 дней:879,24 млн $
League of Kingdoms logo

League of Kingdoms

Всего пользователей
Фиатная стоимость входящих транзакций dapp за определенный период времени
99 $
Баланс контракта
Общая стоимость активов в смарт-контрактах децентрализованного приложения
43 261 $
Официальные ссылки
Социальные сети
NFTGamesPlay to Earn


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3 минуты назад

Что такое League of Kingdoms?

League of Kingdoms is a free-to-play, MMO war strategy game on the blockchain. The main gameplay of League of Kingdoms is similar to a traditional RTS (Real-time strategy), but it is powered by blockchain technology and ownership is central to the core concepts of the game. As an alliance-based tactical strategy game, players can build kingdoms, raise armies, form alliances, and compete on the battlefields. All the lands in the game are non-fungible tokens and can be owned by users.

Players do not require any prior experience or knowledge with cryptocurrencies to play the game and do not need to own Land NFTs to farm resources that can be tokenized into NFTs. With the adoption of the LOKA token, League of Kingdoms is enjoying greater player adoption, inclusion, and activation as players can effectively own, propose, vote and earn on the game platform.

LOKA is League of Kingdoms' native governance token and will be utilized as the currency inside the League of Kingdoms game franchise and will be utilized for all in-game store purchases, such as purchasing packages, skins, goods. The $LOKA token will be used as an NFT booster to create, upgrade, and acquire special NFT assets, including but not limited to upcoming Drago and Skin NFTs. The LOKA token will be also used to propose and vote on on-chain governance proposals to determine future features, policies, content, and/or parameters of the game. Last but not least LOKA tokens can also be earned by playing the in-game competition and/or achieving special tasks — for example after each Continent vs. Continent (CvC) battle, winners will be rewarded with LOKA tokens (and potentially rarer NFT item rewards!) depending on the performance during the battle.

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