Токен FTT подскочил в цене: анализ и прогнозЦена токена FTT резко выросла из-за постов основателя FTX, увеличившись на 29% за несколько минут.
Giorgi Kostiuk
несколько секунд назад
Ethereum испытывает трудности с пробитием уровня $2.8KEthereum вновь не удается пробить уровень сопротивления $2.8K, вызывая высокую волатильность на рынке.
Giorgi Kostiuk
2 минуты назад
Облачный майнинг в 2025 году: перспективы и вызовыОблачный майнинг продолжает завоевывать популярность, предлагая пассивный доход без сложных настроек и затрат.
Giorgi Kostiuk
3 минуты назад
Что такое Monolith?
Monolith is an Ethereum-powered solution allowing you to spend your ETH and ERC-20 in real-life, the way you're used to: with a debit card accepted anywhere. The cards are available and shipping to the UK, France, and most other European countries: all 31 countries of the EEA. The app to manage the card and the wallet is currently live on iOS. The fees are kept to a minimum. There is no setup fee, no activation fee, nor point of sale fees. The only usage fee users have to cover is a 1-2% top-up fee depending on the token used. Monolith's cards are paired with a non-custodial contract wallet to secure crypto assets to the best of current technical possibilities. Users can set up a whitelist as well as daily spending limits to protect their assets, even if their wallet was to be compromised, without compromising on the solution's usability. Monolith's token, TKN, is the most cost-effective way to top up the card. However, TKN is way more than just a discount ticket: it underpins the whole economic model of our service. Every time one of our user top-up his card with any token other than TKN, a 1% licensing fee is charged and sent to the asset contract. Since the TKN Asset Contract is made of the different ERC-20s used in our service, ponderated by their usage, it will eventually become a kind of index backed by the most popular ERC-20 tokens. TKN holders can redeem their fair share of the asset contract through the Cash&Burn function.
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