StarCurve is a fully decentralized protocol with a more advanced DeFi swap interface including a fair fee distribution system and advanced matching engine.
Our goal is to create a more user friendly and improved UI and matching engine for decentralized trading. With the rise in popularity of DeFi and decentralized exchanges, like Uniswap, the founding team concluded that the current state of decentralized exchanges and its procedures are too complicated and user unfriendly. StarCurve wants to improve adoption of DeFi trading protocols and the decentralized ecosystem.
Gnosis Protocol Sale
We will be using Gnosis Protocol to facilitate our token sale via a bonding curve. Our UI is a customized version of the Gnosis DEX and interacts directly with the verified Gnosis contract. We will be releasing more information about the token sale process very soon.
Fee distribution
Unlike some decentralized exchanges, StarCurve will add a fee to trades placed through the platform. This fee will be used to reward token holders and to receive income for platform upkeep and improvements.
UI Improvements
While there are many state-of-the-art smart contracts and backend solutions for decentralized trading, in our opinion the front-end of most applications are less prioritized. For StarCurve the front-end is an essential part of the platform, as our ambition is to bring DeFi to mainstream.
Liquidity aggregator
The biggest challenge running a trading platform or exchange is maintaining liquidity. StarCurve will function as a DEX aggregator that pools liquidity from multiple DEXes. This will make it possible to use StarCurve as an interface for multiple decentralized exchanges.