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Basic Attention

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What is Basic Attention?

BAT — a token, powered by a new blockchain-based digital project, designed to reward users fairly for their attention and activity while providing advertisers with a higher return on their advertising spend.


Basic information about the project

Basic Attention Token (BАT) — an important component of the Brave browser ecosystem. The purpose of this blockchain platform - to create a fair and rewarding system for stakeholders, including advertisers, publishers and Internet users in the digital advertising industry. The creators of this project believe that this approach will eliminate the problems, associated with privacy, monopoly, security and online experience.

Project management offers an opportunity for the advertiser to place targeted ads, maximize engagement and reduce losses due to ad fraud and abuse.

At the founding of the Basic Attention Token are two prominent people in the web software industry:

  • Brendan Eich;
  • Brian Bondy;

Features of the BAT project

It is emphasized that one of the distinguishing features of the Basic Attention Token and the Brave Browser ecosystem is the ability to reward (tips) users who are not part of the network now, including both websites and individual Twitter users. These users can securely register on the platform to collect any accumulated tokens.

The main aspects of the project:

Brave Browser An application where users can watch privacy-preserving ads and earn BAT rewards for doing so.
BАT This is a payment token for advertising campaigns through Brave Ads.

The Basic Attention Token itself is a unit of reward in this advertising ecosystem and is exchanged between advertisers, publishers and users. Advertisers also pay for their advertising campaigns with BAT tokens.

Due to its privacy-focused functionality, Brave is a popular browser among cryptocurrency users. It constantly uses this status by partnering with reputable blockchain companies to provide specialized crypto tools.


The Basic Attention Token can be traded on most popular cryptocurrency exchange platforms and has excellent liquidity now. The most popular among reputable exchanges for BAT transactions are:

    • Coinbase Pro;
    • Huobi Global;
    • Binance;

There are currently over 1.49 billion BAT, circulating in the market. Given that the maximum supply is capped at 1.5 billion BAT, the digital asset is almost completely diluted.

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