BeyondNFT is a platform facilitating the creation and distribution of Interactive NFTs for technical and non technical users.
Interactive NFT (iNFT) are NFTs for which behavior is defined using HTML/CSS and JavaScript code, allowing it to be much more than just images, videos or audios.
Anything that runs in the browser can therefore become an NFT.
This is what Interactive NFTs already make possible.
BeyondNFT now runs on Ethereum Mainnet, the Matic network, the xDai network.
On Matic and xDai, due to gas being so cheap, we take the cost of Minting new NFTs.
This way, we are hoping to open the world of NFTs to more people, allowing people to mint their first NFTs without holding any token.
The iNFT standard is already in development and Open Source, developers and creatives are invited to contribute and communicate what they would see possible to create with it, but also improve it.